Saturday, April 13, 2013

And miles to go before I sleep.....

So, yesterday was HUGE for me....I walked 1.3 miles uphill!!!  And I got all of my water intake!  Woo hoo!!  I am going to start the squats challenge tomorrow plus I want to go for 1.8 miles at the gym.  Monday I get to go back to pilates, and Tuesday zumba finally!!!  I am so excited.   Hey, before I forget - if any of you know where I can get an expensive pilates mat will you let me know please?  Mine has grown legs so I need to replace it.  Anyway, I was so excited to make it for over a mile in a half an hour - I know thats not overly impressive for most peoplw but it was a big deal for me.   I also juat ordered an at home cd to do with mykayla.  My two goals are to do cross fit in 3 months and to survive either p90x or insanity in 6.  I'm discovering some obstacles that I've always known were there but that I thought would be easier to overcome.  The biggest is to stop eating when I'm full.  If there is food in front of me I will pick at it until its gone and im sick, like right now, my stomach is killing me and I want to get sick because there was still food on my plate.  So, I have enlisted the help of one of my biggest supporters - Joe.  He is going to help me portion everything onto the plate - we are buying a scale tomorrow to help with that - and the rest will be totally put away.  If I dont see it, then I wont have to struggle with walking away.  Baby steps, remember.   I can't mess this up and I'm terrified to fail, I just have to remember that mistakes will happen because I am not just going on a quick diet,  I am changing my life.  I am going to try an settle my stomach down.  I will write tomorrow after my squats and let you know how jello my legs are :).  Until then take care....and stay safe!!

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